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WP 7.7 – Legal and ethical aspects prospect

Leader: UNICA, Francesca Ippolito. Participants: UNIFI, POLIMI, EURAC, CIMA, UNIROMA1, UNICA

WP 7.7 in a nutshell

A critical assessment of multilevel institutional and legislative frameworks relevant to environmental risks in relation to the ethical dimension of risk will be operated with the related identification of gaps/conflicts, overlapping and inconsistencies. Some remedials will be proposed. A reconnaissance of the profiles of responsibility and accountability with reference to national and international contexts will be also conducted with a twofold sub-aim: (i) enhancing a better compliance with the international and EU framework of obligations in that regard; and (ii) fostering a precautionary shift from the law of responsibility for natural hazards to prevention of them through a participatory bottom-up approach.

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