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WP 7.6 – New models of education and communication for resilience to risks

Leader: UNIROMA1, Francesca Comunello. Participants: UNICA, POLIMI, EURAC, CIMA, UNIFI, UNIBA, UNIROMA1

WP 7.6 in a nutshell

WP 7.6 aims at designing, testing and validating new models, strategies, and tools for risk education and communication. More specifically, WP 7.6 is going to interact closely with WP 7.5, as psychological, sociological and behavioural variables are crucial for developing effective communication and education strategies. It will also interact with WP 7.7, as education and effective communication are crucial in enabling citizen participation in decision-making processes, and with WP 7.4, as bottom-up communication and participatory practices are at the core of effective risk communication and education practices. Risk communication and education strategies will be tailored to meet the needs of different target groups, and will consider a variety of risks, as well as different educational settings and communication channels. Inclusiveness and intersectionality will inform the whole intervention, which will also rely on participatory and co-design processes.

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