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Spoke 5 – TS1: Urban and metropolitan settlements

Spoke: UNINA; supported by EURAC

Spoke Leader: Mario Losasso, Andrea Prota; Co-Leader: Massimiliano Pittore

Spoke 5 in a nutshell

The Spoke TS1 meets the need to develop models able to assess and predict the present and future impacts of climate-related events on the built environment, urban settlements and cultural heritage, taking into account their multi-vulnerability with respect to multiple hazards, as well as models for estimating the urban resilience and potential benefits of adaptation to the impacts and mitigation of GHG emissions. At the same time, instruments and approaches for an effective adaptation should be developed, according to multi-risk analysis and management, targeting vulnerability and exposure reduction while preserving buildings and urban and metropolitan settlements functionality in case of extreme events. Low carbon design is integrated to the aim of resilient eco-districts within the urban settlements, aiming to preserve the builtup as well as the cultural heritage and greenspaces in a holistic and multi-risk perspective. Appropriate models and systems of indicators able to monitor and measure the effectiveness of climate adaptation and carbon neutral strategies and actions will be developed; this would facilitate the rationale planning of climate-proof policies as well as risk communication and citizen involvement in mitigation campaigns.

Work Package

WP 5.1

WP 5.1 – Management, dissemination and valorisation of Spokes

(Leader: UNINA, Andrea Prota. Participants: all)

WP 5.2

WP 5.2 – Multi-risk-oriented modeling of urban systems

(Leader: UNINA, Maria Polese. Participants: EURAC, OGS, UNIBO, ENG, UNIFI, UNIGE, UNINA)

WP 5.3

WP 5.3 – Multi-risk vulnerability and impact assessment and forecasting

(Leader: UNIBO, Luca Pozza. Participants: EURAC, OGS, UNINA, UNIFI, UNICA, ABDAM, UNIGE, UNIBO)

WP 5.4

WP 5.4 – Mitigation and adaptation for more resilient and livable cities

(Leader: EURAC, Daniele Vettorato. Participants: UNINA, UNIBO, UNIFI, UNICA, UNIGE, POLITO, Fondazione CF, ENI, EURAC)

WP 5.6

WP 5.6 – Co-design, capacity building and interaction with stakeholder

(Leader: UNIGE, Andrea Pirni. Participants: EURAC, UNINA, OGS, ENG, ENI, UNIGE)

Participating organizations


Università di Napoli


Eurac Research


Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale


Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.a.


Università di Firenze


Università di Bologna


Università di Genova


Politecnico di Torino


Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell'Appennino meridionale

Fondazione CF

Fondazione Francesco Cannavò


Università di Cagliari


Eni Plenitude