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Spoke 4 VS4: Environmental degradation

Spoke: OGS; supported by UNIPA

Spoke Leader: Cosimo Solidoro; Co-Leader: Gaspare Viviani

Spoke 4 in a nutshell

The aim of Spoke VS4 is to explore and develop integrated approaches to challenge multiscale environmental degradation focusing on pollution, wildfires, coastal and land degradation processes, also considering climate change scenarios. This spoke aims to achieve a better understanding of the processes and factors responsible for environmental degradation, its time dynamic and its spatio-temporal distribution. This will include dynamic mapping, development and application of new and smart methodologies for monitoring, assessing, forecasting, prevention and mitigation of the effects of environmental degradation, as well as the evaluation of resilience and adaptation of different ecosystems. The spoke will cover terrestrial, coastal and marine environments (including hyporheic regions), with a special focus on ecotoxicology. It will develop integrated multi-risk approaches that will be tailored to specific contexts (urban/metropolitan; industrial, natural, agricultural, coastal and marine areas) under climate change scenarios, favouring the input/output exchange protocol with the vertical (VS1), transversal Spokes (TS1, TS2) and diagonal (DS) Spokes.

Work Package

WP 4.1

WP 4.1 – Spoke management, dissemination and exploitation

(Leader: OGS, Cosimo Solidoro. Participants: all)

WP 4.2

WP 4.2 – Setting the scene on environmental degradation stressors in terrestrial and marine environment

(Leader: UNIGE, Laura Gaggero & UNINA, Fabio Terribile. Participants: UNINA, UNIGE, UNIPA, UNIPD, OGS)

WP 4.3

WP 4.3 – Enhancing capability to observe, model, and assess environmental hazards

(Leader: POLIMI, Manuela Antonelli & UNIFI, Claudio Lubello. Participants: CIMA, OGS, POLIMI, UNIBA, UNICA, UNIGE, UNIFI, UNINA, UNIPA, UNIPD, UNIROMA1)

WP 4.4

WP 4.4 – Multi risk assessment, and proof of concepts

(Leader: ENEA, Sonia Manzo & OGS, Cosimo Solidoro. Participants: ENEA, OGS, UNINA, POLITO, UNIPA, POLIMI, UNIROMA1, ABDAM, Fondazione CF, UNIPD)

WP 4.5

WP 4.5 – Prevention and remediation

(Leader: UNIPA, Gaspare Viviani & UNICA, Battista Grosso. Participants: UNIROMA1, UNIKORE, ENEA, UNICA, UNIFI, UNIGE, UNINA, UNIPA, POLITO, POLIMI, ENI)

Participating organizations


Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale


Università di Palermo


Università di Roma Sapienza


Università di Napoli


Università di Firenze


Università di Bari


Università di Padova


Università di Bologna


Università di Genova


Politecnico di Torino


Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile


Fondazione CIMA


Politecnico di Milano


Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell'Appennino meridionale

Fondazione CF

Fondazione Francesco Cannavò


Università di Cagliari


Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"


Eni Plenitude