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WP 2.4 – Trigger-based multiple geohazard scenarios

Leader: UNIPD, Filippo Catani; Co-leader: UNINA, Domenico Calcaterra. Participants: UNIROMA1, UNIPD, UNINA, UNIBA, UNIBO, UNIGE, UNIFI, UNIPA, ENEA, POLITO, ABDAM, OGS

WP 2.4 in a nutshell

The WP 2.4 deals with the integration of process-specific knowledge and modelling to build a consistent set of tools for the management of risks deriving from trigger-based multi-hazards, connected to cascading effects and multiple process overlaps. The WP is divided into 4 Tasks, and foresees an important cross-fertilization with other Spokes, in coordination with WP 2.5.

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