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WP 1.4 – Coastal flooding under environmental and climatic changes

Leader: UNIGE, Giovanni Besio

Coastal flooding (WP 1.4) in a nutshell

This WP aims at an effective management of risks at sea and by the sea through focusing on:

i) the forecast and mitigation of the impact on people and infrastructures of extreme oceanographic events and sea-level rise;

ii) the resilience to flood events of estuarine and coastal communities, be they metropolitan cities (e.g. Venice, Genova, Pescara, Napoli, Bari, Palermo, etc.) or diffuse settlements with high population density (Alto and Basso Adriatico, Ligure, Sicilia Orientale linear systems).

While both issues share the need of an accurate monitoring of the marine forcing, both at the probabilistic and deterministic level, for the construction of an early-warning system, some differences arise in the modelling of the hazard and impacts in relation to the weaker or stronger influence of the inland forcing. Also, adaptation to climate change (e.g. sea level rise and increased storminess) will require specific measures.

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