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Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate

Return (Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate) – the extended partnership aiming at strengthening the research chains on environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks at national level and promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains.

Who we are

By enhancing basic knowledge, targeting the application and exploitation of technology, the Extended Return Partnership contributes to strengthening key competences, technology and knowledge transfer, as well as Italian governance in disaster risk management, with the involvement of public administrations, stakeholders and private companies.


Statute, corporate members, board of auditors

Program Activities

1 Hub, 8 Spokes each one addressing a specific topic


26 Partners (Leading Partner University of Naples, Federico II)


4 Vertical Spokes

Spoke 1

Spoke 1 – VS1: Water

(Spoke: POLIMI, supported by UNIPD)

Spoke 2

Spoke 2 – VS2: Ground instabilities

(Spoke: UNIROMA1, supported by UNINA)

Spoke 3

Spoke 3 – VS3: Earthquakes and Volcanoes

(Spoke: UNIBA, supported by UNINA)

Spoke 4

Spoke 4 – VS4: Environmental Degradation

(Spoke: OGS, supported by UNIPA)

3 Transversal Spokes

1 Diagonal Spoke

Spoke 5

Spoke 5 – TS1: Urban and metropolitan settlements

(Spoke: UNINA, supported by Eurac)

Spoke 6

Spoke 6 – TS2: Multi-Risk Resilience of Critical Infrastructures

(Spoke: POLITO, supported by Engineering)

Spoke 7

Spoke 7 – TS3: Communities’ resilience to risks: social, economic, legal and cultural dimensions

(Spoke: UNIFI, supported by CIMA)

Spoke 8

Spoke 8 – DS: Science underpinning Climate services for risk mitigation and adaptation

(Spoke: UNIBO, supported by UNIPD)

Helping nature reclaim its place


Researchers project




Months (duration)