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Bando a Cascata emanato dallo spoke VS3 “Terremoti e Vulcani” Università di Bari

By 27 Ottobre 2023Novembre 21st, 2023Nessun commento

SPOKE 3 – Terremoti e Vulcani

Destinatari: Università, Enti Pubblici di Ricerca e altri Organismi di Ricerca

Scadenza: 27/11/2023 ore 12:00

Dotazione finanziaria complessiva: 2.600.000 euro, distribuita secondo le seguenti tematiche:

  • Tematica 1: Collection, analysis and exploitation of data for vulnerability evaluation and health monitoring;
  • Tematica 2: State-dependent vulnerability assessment of structures and infrastructures, including nonstructural components and accounting for ageing, degradation and damage accumulation);
  • Tematica 3: Innovative methods and techniques of numerical and experimental investigations to set up integrated and
    sustainable rehabilitation solutions for structures and infrastructure
  • Tematica 4: Development of multihazard risk maps to define optimal and multi objective intervention strategies;
  • Tematica 5: Selection of integrated and sustainable mitigation/adaptation strategies for loss reductions;
  • Tematica 6: Experiments on volcaniclastic and sedimentary debris flows;
  • Tematica 7: Models and experiments on the tectonic and magmatic triggering conditions of explosive eruptions;
  • Tematica 8: Volcanic and seismic risk imagination in word history and literature;
  • Tematica 9: Generation of meshes for multiphase numerical simulation of pyroclastic density currents;